“Mommy, why is your body so big?” Asked the 5 year old daughter...
“If you don’t change what you eat, you will have a heart attack”...said the doctor
“Why can’t you just get it together for the kids before your husband leaves you?”
Shouted the overbearing mother in law.
Those words hurt like knives blindsiding her in the back with excruciating pain that never diminishes...
She felt alone...

Her marriage was crumbling and she didn’t know how to fix it...The next day, as she was picking up her daughters from soccer practice, it happened...
“Oh my God, my chest!”
“I can’t feel my arms!”
“What’s happening to me?!”
“Mommy, wake up!!!”
“Mommy, don’t die!!!”
As Geri was fighting for just a few more breaths, a cold sweat covered her body...
Her eyes slowly started to close...
And I thought she was leaving us forever...With no time to waste, Geri’s brother Eric moved her over to the passenger seat as the girls jumped in the back before racing to the emergency room...
She clutched her chest and her fingers started tingling...I couldn’t bear to watch her pass away into God’s internal arms at such a young age...
Eric was terrified, speeding like a maniac to the nearest emergency room in a full-blown panic...Praying he wouldn’t be too late.
What happened next is very painful for me to share...
Yet it led to the discovery of an exotic fat-burning fruit and a 3-Minute Morning Ritual so crazy and so outlandish...
It transformed Geri, an overweight 46-year-old mother of 2 with heart disease, chronic fatigue, and high blood pressure on the verge of life threatening open heart surgery...
To miraculously lose two and a half pounds of deadly belly fat in just 3 days...
Then she quickly lost another 17 pounds of fat over the next 3 weeks...
And in less than 3 months, she lost 61 pounds and completely reversed her symptoms of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and chronic fatigue...
That’s right, 17 pounds in just 3 weeks and 61 pounds in less than three months...
Without counting calories, going on some crazy diet, or doing any back breaking workouts that ruin your joints and leave you feeling exhausted...
She didn’t take a single supplement...
And if you think she lived at the gym or spent hours sweating bullets on a treadmill...
Think again.
She was way too busy with her two baby girls and a full-time job.All she did was follow this one breakthrough 3-minute morning routine from a celebrity trainer halfway across the country that was so simple and so easy... It quickly flattened her belly and slimmed her waistline even though her hormones were all out of whack on the verge of menopause...
All thanks to this one green fat-burning fruit she added to her meals to miraculously smooth the cellulite on her legs and butt...

Geri’s brother Eric followed the exact same morning routine and he lost 12 pounds of stubborn belly fat in the first 7 days... And another 46 pounds just two months later...
While completely flattening his belly, reversing the symptoms of chronic heart disease that ran in his family, and eliminating any risk of Type 2 diabetes...
That’s right, together they lost 119 pounds in a matter of months, dramatically catapulting their vitality, erasing chronic knee and back pain, while leaving their friends and family speechless...
And what happened next was even more incredible...
Geri’s husband immediately noticed the vibrant and youthful glow which turned their sex life around and made him fall deeply in love with her all over again... Her energy was off the charts and she no longer struggled to get out of bed in the morning...
However, the scary truth is...She almost didn’t make it.
- You see, in the emergency room the doctors discovered a “mysterious metabolic glitch” that was plugging up her arteries and clogging her liver...
- Which led to abnormal fat storage around her belly because her digestive system wasn’t absorbing the nutrients it needs to function from her food...
- It turns out this hidden condition affects millions of women and men over 40 around the world with most people never knowing...
Especially if your body likes to store fat in your belly!

So if you’re struggling to lose weight, and nothing seems to change no matter how hard you try...
Or maybe your energy isn’t where you’d like it to be...
Leaving you feeling sluggish and moody when you have no idea why...Then this metabolic glitch just above your belly may be the reason why.
And in just a minute, I’ll also tell you about 2
toxic fruits you must avoid for the next 24 hours...
- Because they may be secretly adding more inches of deadly belly fat to your waistline without warning...
- I can almost guarantee these 2 toxic fruits are in your kitchen right now so pay close attention because the unconventional advice
- I’m about to share goes against everything the government and mainstream media want you to believe...
You see, it all started shortly after Geri turned 40...
- She started feeling tired all the time and had sudden mood swings that were never there before...
- Even worse, she put on an extra 33 pounds out of nowhere after having kids and started
experiencing more body aches that affected her sleep... - However, she didn’t think much of it...
- She simply thought that’s what happens as you get older and become a parent...
- Your kids become the priority and your body takes a back seat...
- She was constantly hungry with HUGE sugar cravings...
- And she even told me she was no longer intimate with her husband because the spark in their marriage flamed out years ago...
- Deep down she didn’t feel like she could get her body back after having two kids...
- She even secretly considered liposuction and a breast lift before backing out at the last minute because she was
too scared... - And she finally hit rock bottom when people at work would ask when the baby was due...
- A baby she had YEARS ago!
- Talk about heartbreaking...
- Devastating...
- It was by far the worse feeling in the world...
- So even though her clothes felt like they were getting tighter and she struggled to zip up the jeans she had been
wearing for years... - She had absolutely no idea there was a ticking time bomb building in her belly until it was too late...
However, if she hadn’t stumbled on this 3-minute morning breakthrough that activates a little known fat-burning cycle buried deep in the human metabolism...
She would still be following the same outdated information from the greedy government platforms...
Lies such as avoiding fatty foods like bacon, cheese, and butter when that’s the exact OPPOSITE of what you should be doing... And she never would have experienced the magical healing methods that added decades onto her life...
Look, all I ask is to please give me your full attention for the next few minutes, otherwise you could miss the one piece of critical information that could save your life like it did Geri’s... Now you may be wondering, how do I know all this?

And I’m the guy who saved Geri’s life from a near fatal heart attack and open heart surgery with a bizarre 3-minute morning routine, yet what I’m most proud of is this...
I’m her older brother.
You see, for years I watched her and my brother Eric struggle with their weight and saw how it nearly ruined their marriages...
And when I got the call that the sister I loved more than anything in the world was slumped over her steering wheel and fighting for her life on the verge of open heart surgery...
It was like I instantly received a spark from God to step in and help save her life...
And I’m still shocked by her amazing total body transformation that reversed her heart disease, melted away her belly fat, and eliminated the chronic fatigue that was crippling her life...
So if you have 10 or more pounds to lose yet it seems like nothing EVER works and you just don’t feel like yourself anymore...
Or maybe you’re tired all the time no matter how much you rest and you can’t remember the last time you got a good night’s sleep...
Then you may be suffering from the same “mysterious metabolic glitch” that forced my sister Geri to store more belly fat no matter how much she exercised or how healthy she ate...
All because one of the most vital organs in her body was malfunctioning without her knowing...
The good news is...
In just a few minutes, I’ll reveal all the science and research behind this breakthrough 3-minute morning routine...
That’s so simple and so easy...
You can lose as much weight as you desire and reverse the dangerous side effects of extra belly fat like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol without ever leaving your home...
Plus, I’ll also share the one forgotten “naked nutrient” that flushes out
the fat-trapping toxins suffocating your heart,
liver, and arteries at this very moment...
You see, scientists have identified an often-overlooked “nutrient deficiency” that causes women and men over 40 to store more abdominal fat...
And it’s often missed by American doctor’s during routine checkups because the research is so new...
On the bright side...
I’ll also share the secret “apple detox drink” and “tummy tightening tea”
my sister Geri drank every morning to jumpstart her fat-burning metabolism..
These morning detox drinks were the building blocks of Geri’s weight loss making her feel lighter, leaner, and skinnier day after day...
And these remarkable results continued until she recently posted a picture from Lake Tahoe where she finally flaunted a bikini for the first time in 15 years even though she’s in her late 40’s...

- Even if you have horrible genetics and your hormones are all out of whack...
And even if you have a sweet tooth that craves sugar and never seems to go away.... - But first, I have to tell you one thing...
The weight loss industry has been praying on hardworking people like you and I for years... - With their overpriced medications, bogus pills, and shady supplements that promise you the world without delivering any real results...
- These bold faced con men claiming their latest and greatest pill or powder will make you lose 10 pounds overnight or some other crazy claim...
- Only to prey on your trusting nature while draining your bank account with their bogus products...
And while my kind-hearted sister fell victim to all these gimmicks and late night infomercials that
seemed too good to be true...
The real problem was she didn’t realize the Death-like Side Effects that come with having Belly Fat...
If you have even just a few extra pounds of fat around your belly, you’re at a much higher risk for a host of horrible diseases like:
- Heart hypertension
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Chronic fatigue
- Stroke
- Type 2 Diabetes
And the “mysterious metabolic glitch” clogging your arteries and suffocating your liver most people don’t even know they have...
That’s why it’s so important that you listen to Geri’s story to the very end because her miraculous fat-burning breakthrough can not only save your life...
But the lives of your parents, your children, and the people you love most.
And the best part is...
You can use this breakthrough 3-minute morning ritual as soon as you wake up to burn a bit of belly fat in less than 24 hours...
And in just 7 days...
Your belly will begin to flatten and feel a bit more firm...
Your love handles will start to shrink...
- Your energy will shoot through the roof and you’ll no longer struggle to get out of bed in the morning...
- And that frustrating fat hanging off the back of your arms and suffocating your thighs will smooth out and slowly disappear to reveal the tight and toned body you’ll be ecstatic to show off to the entire world...
- This fat-flushing trick works even BETTER the older you are because it syncs with the natural hormonal changes that occur after 40 to melt more fat around the clock...
Just like it did for Kelly Beggs...
She’s a school teacher from Smithton, IL who lost 23 pounds in just 6 weeks when NOTHING ever worked for her before...
And her transformation was so incredible, it ignited the spark in her husband Scott who ended up losing 31 pounds in just 6 weeks...
Transforming their family in just over a month to willingly receive God’s ultimate gift...
You see, Kelly and Scott’s personal transformations were so incredible, it motivated their teenage son Nate to follow in their footsteps...
And since Kelly and Scott showed him the way without saying a single word about eating healthier or exercising because their jaw-dropping results spoke for themselves...
Nate lost 17 pounds to skyrocket his confidence and send his self-esteem soaring when most teenagers are more confused than ever...
And as a family they lost 71 pounds in LESS than 2 months all because they started eating MORE of this magical green fat-burning fruit and this ONE “naked nutrient” that unclogs the fat from your liver so you can lose more weight...

And here I am spending time with Geri before her health took a turn for the worse...
Over the past 25 years, I’ve helped thousands of women and men in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s...all the way up to their 70’s and 80’s transform their bodies and their lives with my strange yet effective fat-burning methods
I’m also a New York Times best-selling author while being featured on CBS, FOX, NBC, ABC, and the CW Network reaching millions around the world...
And after becoming Chicago’s #1 celebrity trainer, because my science-based background was delivering results no one else could copy...
I got a reputation for working with the toughest and most difficult men and women who were metabolically
broken and could never burn off their stubborn fat no matter how hard they tried...
These people were on the verge of obesity and some were even too heavy to exercise because a single wrong step could buckle their knees or blow out their ankles...
Which turned out to be a gift from God because it forced me to create unique and unusual fat-burning strategies that worked for ANYONE no matter their physical condition...
And to this day I draw on my decades’ worth of face-to-face experience helping people lose 10, 20, even 50 or more pounds in just a matter of months...
However, even though I’ve helped thousands of people transform their bodies and their lives through my strange yet effective fat-burning methods...
Nothing prepared me for what Geri was going through...
You see, in Geri’s situation we didn’t have time to take things slow...
Her doctor said she needed to lose at least 30 pounds in the next few months because her heart was getting weaker by the day...

Which is why she nearly had a heart attack in her mid 40’s...
We had to act fast and the scary part is we only had one chance to get this right....
If Geri put on any more weight it was almost certain she’d have a heart attack that could end her life...
Leaving her adorable baby girls to grow up without a Mom...
However, we quickly stumbled on a miraculous miracle I’m so excited to share with you right now...
It all started when Geri thought she was having a heart attack...The day began as any other with Geri getting her two beautiful daughters Faith and Amber ready for school in the morning...
She made them breakfast and packed their lunches before getting ready for work...
She was a little tired from juggling a full-time job, her marriage, and raising her two daughters, but otherwise she felt “okay”...
The strange thing is, even later that night while Geri and her brother Eric waited in the car to pick up the girls from soccer practice, she didn’t have any warning signs that her health was deteriorating by the minute...
She felt fine...
Well, physically she felt fine, emotionally her marriage was starting to take a toll...
While waiting for the girls, she told her brother what was really going on...
“It’s like he doesn’t even notice me anymore”, she said...
“We barely talk and I can’t remember the last time we went out, just the two of us”...
And the worst part is...

Even though her marriage was slipping away right in front of her eyes, she didn’t have the energy to do anything about it...

After trying to cheer her up, Eric got out of the car to get the girls... As he returned, he opened the car door to find his sister white as a ghost with a look of sheer horror on her face...
“HELP ME! I think I’m having a heart attack!”, she screamed...
“Oh my God, my chest!
I can’t feel my arms!
What’s happening to me?”
Those were the last blood-curdling words my brother Eric heard before...

Geri fell head first into the steering wheel of her car...

And as the girls screamed in agony thinking their mom might be taking her last breaths... I thought she might be leaving us forever as her lifeless body fell forward onto the horn...
Creating a loud sound that pierced the entire park... The kids were terrified and with no time to act, Eric moved Geri to the passenger seat as he raced to the emergency room to save our sister’s life...

When they got there, the nurses rushed her away on a stretcher while the girls and Uncle Eric sat in the waiting room staring at each other in disbelief...
They couldn’t believe what happened... It came out of nowhere...
One minute they’re talking about their marriages and the next they’re waiting on pins and needles to see if they’ll ever hear my sister’s voice again...
Eric frantically called me from the waiting room and did his best to tell me what happened while fighting back tears...
My whole world was immediately turned upside down and I found myself struggling to breathe like someone just punched me in the gut...
I told Eric to keep me updated as I tried to make sense of this horrible news...
I knew my sister didn’t have the healthiest diet and relied on too many sugary sodas to get her through the day...
However, she didn’t show any serious signs of something being terribly wrong...
After what felt like hours on the worst emotional rollercoaster you could ever imagine, Eric called me back with the good news...
Geri was awake and talking with the girls...
Her doctor said she narrowly missed out on having a heart attack, however after running some tests she wasn’t out of the woods just yet...
Her blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels were extremely high...
She was diagnosed with hereditary heart disease and chronic fatigue, which explained why she was tired all the time...
The doctor went on to say that her heart was recovering, however she might feel a little weak for the next few weeks...
And then he broke the bad news... He said my sister had what’s known as “visceral fat” that built up around her heart, liver, and arteries...
Putting extreme stress and pressure on her most vital organs...
And that if she didn’t make some changes now, she was almost guaranteed to have a full-blown heart attack.
Geri broke down balling and poured her heart out to her doctor about how she tried to lose weight so many times and nothing ever worked...
The doctor gave her the same generic advice most medical professionals give, basically eating more vegetables and exercising more...
Then after running a few more tests, the doctor came back in the room with a confused look on his face...

He asked if Geri had ever heard of “liver bile”?

“Liver what?” she said, confused like fiery freshman on the first day of French class... “Liver bile, it’s this digestive juice that breaks down fat while also working like a filter to clean toxins out of the blood, helping you feel more energized...
This fat-flushing fluid controls EVERYTHING in your body when it comes to burning fat”..
The doctor went on to explain how your liver is the #1 fat-burning organ in your body, and...
It produces these “bile acids” which help break down the food you eat and transport the vitamins and nutrients to your cells and your muscles to be burned up for energy, however...

Geri’s liver wasn’t creating these essential bile acids that allow you to burn your stored body fat for fuel...

Which is why no matter how healthy she ate, or what diet she tried next,
nothing EVER worked because her liver wasn’t producing this “fat-flushing fluid” that breaks down fat...
So all the food ended up getting shuttled into her fat cells instead...
It’s like a lightbulb went off in Geri’s head and she had an “Ah Ha” moment that was clear as crystal spring water...
She thought to herself, so that’s why none of the diet programs ever worked...
Or the crazy cardio sessions that left her joints achy and knees shaky yet never flattened her belly or even made a slight dent on the scale... And she immediately thought...
Maybe THIS is why so many people struggle with losing weight and burning belly fat as their hormones change almost overnight with age...

It’s NOT because you’re lazy and don’t try hard enough...
It’s NOT because you don’t have “willpower” or enough “self-discipline”...
And it’ definitely NOT because you’re unwilling to “put in the work”...
You may simply be a victim of this “mysterious metabolic glitch”
where your liver is clogged with fatty acids
even if you never feel a thing...
You see, Geri was cutting calories like crazy and that’s why she could never lose any weight...
That’s one of the absolute WORST things you can do because it slows down your metabolism and kills the production of essential bile acids in your belly...
Which you now know are the KEY to burning off your extra belly fat...
So as she was saying no to more yummy food at breakfast, lunch, and dinner...
Her belly and waist were getting BIGGER than ever even though she thought she was doing the right thing...
Look, starving yourself and dramatically cutting back on calories is NEVER the answer...
It’s simply a useless trick from the diet fad companies who know their pre-packaged food contains no nutritional value and they need another gimmick to force the weight off your body...
Which NEVER works long term...
What are you going to do, be hungry and miserable for the rest of your life in hopes of burning off a few measly pounds that only end up piling back on anyways?
The good news is...

All you have to do is eat MORE of this green fat-burning fruit to activate the “fat-flushing fluid” in your liver to slim your waistline faster than ever...

Once Geri found out what was going on in her body, she called me from her hospital bed so I knew she was okay...
And as we got to talking, I could notice a change in her voice...
A determination and confidence that wasn’t there before...
You see, Geri has reached out to me for weight loss advice before and I’ve always desperately wanted to help my sister regain the health and vitality that slipped away so long ago...
However, life always gets in the way and she never ends up sticking to what we discuss...
But this time things seemed different...
She was terrified about the thought of her daughters seeing her slumped over the steering wheel
and how close she was to having open heart surgery even though earlier that morning she felt completely fine...
Life is too precious and can be ripped away from you at ANY moment and she knew it was time to make some changes...
A few days later, after Geri was discharged from the hospital, she called to let me know how she was doing...
And that’s when it happened...
I immediately noticed her voice start to get soft and shaky...When I asked if everything was okay, she said her husband was thinking about leaving with the kids...
My heart sank...When I asked why, she said he didn’t want them to see their mom in such bad shape...
Or scar their memories ever again by watching me nearly die right in front of their eyes...
What’s worse is that just a few days before her heart scare, her daughter asked...
“Mommy, why is your body so big?” As soon as she told me this, my heart sank...
I knew my sister wasn’t happy with her weight, however I didn’t know about the deep emotional scars or miserable moments she was going through at home...Once Geri started talking about her weight, I began thinking about how I could help my sister make a change...
So I asked her what she ate on a typical day...She listed off a bunch of healthy foods and I wasn’t sure if she was telling me the truth...If she really ate that healthy, then why was she carrying around so much extra weight?
Then she told me what the doctor said about the “bile acids” in her stomach...
And the “mysterious metabolic glitch” that was preventing her body from burning fat for fuel...
nd instantly a lightbulb went off in my head...
So THAT’S why she could never lose weight...Her liver was clogged and wasn’t producing the necessary digestive juices to break down the food she was eating for energy...
And when you combine that with all the hidden pesticides and chemicals found on most of the fruits and veggies at the grocery store...
Like apples, where no matter how much you wash or rinse it...A SHOCKING 99% tested positive for at least one pesticide residue according to the Environmental Working Group...
And then there’s grapes, where each one contains a mind-blowing 15 different pesticides...These nasty pesticides create a hormonal hurricane in your belly leading to inflammation that puffs up your stomach making it nearly impossible to burn fat...
Listen, if you look down and have any extra fat hanging off your belly...
It’s a clear indication of inflammation in your stomach that acts as a warning sign of some deadly diseases that could be right around the corner...
And the scary thing is...
Your inflammation keeps spreading as you get older, until you get
to the point where your
belly, your thighs,
your butt, even your chin and cheeks are covered in extra inflammation
disguising itself as fat...
Sending you a visible signal that you need to make a change...Having extra and unwanted fat is simply a sign from your body that inflammation is taking over and you need to do something about it otherwise you risk the same fate as Geri who nearly died in front of her own kids...
After working with tens of thousands of women and men over the past 25 years as a celebrity trainer, I knew how common this “metabolic glitch” really was...
And although it seems horrible, like your body is breaking down on you...I saw it as a sign from God because once we healed the inside of Geri’s body, the weight would naturally fall off...
The visceral fat wrapped around her belly needed to go, and it needed to go NOW...

So I decided to do something with my sister that I’d never done with anyone else before...

You see, I’ve done some fitness competitions in the past and over the years I developed this unique protocol to strip away fat quickly in the moments leading up to a show...
This is a secret I used like clockwork to always get on stage at my absolute lightest and leanest and I NEVER shared it with ANYONE else...
Not my brother...
Not my sister...
And not even my celebrity clients who were paying me thousands of dollars to help them look their greatest before big movie premieres, TV events, and music shows that millions of people would see...
The truth is, I didn’t want it to get in the wrong hands and have it ripped off because of how fast it works...
I’ve personally lost up to 5 pounds in less than 48 hours using this protocol and after hearing the pain in my sister’s voice, I wanted to do everything I could to help her...
And the best part is...
It’s all based on eating more of this ONE green fat-burning fruit along with consuming MORE of this weird “naked nutrient” at very specific times throughout the day...
And when you combine that with the breakthrough 3-minute morning ritual..
It activates a natural fat-burning cycle buried deep down in your anatomy to flush away your extra belly fat faster than you ever imagined possible...
It’s NOT about over-exercising or killing yourself in the gym...
It’s NOT about starving yourself skinny and counting every last calorie that passes your lips...
And it’s definitely NOT about choking down a bunch of dry salads or eating more veggies at every meal...
This bizarre 3-minute morning routine is so simple and so easy, you’ll be shocked and amazed at how fast it works even though it barely feels like you’re doing anything at all...
And since Geri’s doctor made it very clear that there was no time to waste, I immediately made a few simple shifts to her diet...
Simple things like making sure she ate more of the #1 fat-burning fruit known to man...
Which she had been avoiding for years because she thought it contained too many calories...
This green fruit has been hiding in grocery stores for years yet almost everyone overlooks it’s amazing and natural fat-burning properties...
And we also used this strange 3-minute morning routine that I had been using for years to get a lean and flat belly even if I cheated and ate a big piece of chocolate cake or a bowl of ice cream before bed...
This morning routine did NOT involve any strenuous exercise or back-breaking movements whatsoever...
And Geri was able to easily incorporate it before dropping the girls off at school and heading into work.
Now with just those 2 simple steps in place, we were positive we could burn off a bunch of belly fat...
However, we still had to address the “mysterious metabolic glitch” the doctor discovered with Geri’s liver that was preventing her from burning fat...
A glitch that’s surprisingly common in women and men over 40 because of the natural hormonal changes you go through as you age...So, I made sure she ate at least 425 milligrams of this one “naked nutrient” every day that unclogs the fat from your liver so you can burn more belly fat week after week without fail...
This nourishing nutrient that’s part of the B-vitamin family is so important not only because it detoxes your liver...
Which helps control your metabolism and how much fat you naturally burn off your body...
It also super-charges your energy, allows deeper sleep, and improves memory while banishing brain fog...
According to Dr. Tasneem Bhatia, a specialist
in integrative medicine...

“Anytime you develop liver fat, your metabolic rate slows.Fat impairs the liver’s metabolic and detoxifying functions, which in turn saps physical and mental energy and triggers weight gain.”
It also STOPS weight loss – experts estimate that for 75 percent of women struggling to slim down, a congested liver is to blame...
With no time to waste, Geri started on this new plan immediately as I waited on pins and needles, nervous like the new kid in class on his first day of high school...
I remember thinking if this doesn’t work, Geri might not be here to next year to celebrate Christmas with her girls...
She may never experience the joy of lighting the candles on her daughter’s birthday cake or see them graduate high school...
I couldn’t let that happen to my sister...
So when I texted Geri the plan, she was locked in and ready to go. In fact, she immediately texted back saying the plan looked “a little too easy” and was wondering if she missed something...
I reassured her that everything was there...
And to be honest...
I never thought about sharing this 2-step fat-burning blueprint with anyone because it’s so unconventional
and goes against what most experts think is a healthy diet...
Until Geri tried it over the next 24 hours and I personally witnessed the biggest and most shocking transformation of my entire 25-year career...
When I talked to Geri the next day, she already
burned off a pound and a half of pure fat...
Leaving her waist feeling much smaller even though she was eating more than she was used to...
And while I was excited, it was early and I was curious to see if the results would continue...
After all, this protocol is designed to specially lose a lot of weight in a VERY short time and I was skeptical if it would last...
Considering how easy and simple the last 24 hours were, my sister was more motivated than ever to keep going... Unlike most diet and weight loss programs she tried in the past, where she wanted to give up within the first few days because the results never came...
She kept texting me for more breakthrough tips to add in, however I made it clear that she didn’t need to do anything else...
The first 24 hours were proof of that.
After the first week passed by, Geri’s results
completely blew my mind...
She lost just under 7 pounds of pure fat in 7 days...
That’s almost 1 pound per day GONE from her body when in the past she felt lucky to lose a pound in an entire week. Her belly was noticeably flatter... Her love handles were shrinking and barely even noticeable anymore... And the huge smile on her face said it all.
Her medical follow up with the doctor was only a few weeks away and we were both feeling confident she’d get a clean bill of health... Over the next few weeks, Geri stuck with the plan... She kept doing the bizarre 3-minute morning ritual before dropping her kids off at school and heading into work...
She was eating more of the green fat-burning fruit that replaced the apples she used to eat because it turns out they were filled with pesticides and nasty chemicals that helped contribute to her clogged liver...
And she was filling her plate with yummy and delicious foods that were packed with the often-overlooked “naked nutrient” to help unclog
her fatty liver and jumpstart her metabolism to burn more belly fat...
Even better, since the weight was melting off like chocolate on a hot stove...
She started adding in these super-short movements that helped tone and tighten up her muscles in just a few minutes... And since she did them right in her own living room, her daughters would sometimes join in which made her feel loved and special...
Then just a few weeks later, when we met on the morning of her doctor’s visit, a miracle happened...
GERI WAS DOWN A WHOPPING 61 POUNDS AND LOOKED MORE vibrant and energetic than she did in her 20’s...
Her stomach was completely flat...
And her waist was smaller than in high school over two decades ago...
She honestly looked better at the age of 46 than she did at 25...

More importantly, she rekindled her marriage and her kids were happier than ever to have a fit and healthy mom who was going to be around for a long time...
She even went to the park and played soccer with her girls no longer feeling stuck on the sidelines watching their young lives pass her by...
And although she obviously looked incredible, I was still a bit nervous to get the test results from her doctor...
She was an inch away from having open heart surgery and we needed near perfect results to make sure she was in the clear...
Later that day, Geri arrived at the doctor’s office... She sat in the lobby, waiting patiently for her named to be called...
As soon as the doctor saw Geri, his eyes got big and his jaw dropped...
He was blown away and couldn’t believe the new woman standing in front of him...

“You look incredible!” he said...
“What in the world have you been doing?”...
Geri blushed and brushed off his compliments as they walked down the hallway to his office... She was still a little uneasy and wanted to get the tests behind her so she could stop worrying about her own fate....
After an hour, Geri was finished with all the tests and she waited nervously for the results to come back...
She couldn’t help but think of her kids and how their life would be turned upside down if she suddenly wasn’t there to see them grow up...
Moments later, the doctor came back in with Geri’s results...
He put on his glasses, took a glance at the clipboard and a huge smile came across his face...
"Congratulations!”, he said...
“Your blood pressure and cholesterol are nearly perfect”...
“Your blood sugar is back under control and you’re no longer on the verge of Type 2 diabetes”...
“And your heart is stronger than ever so you’re no longer at risk of having a heart attack”...
Tears of joy poured down my sister’s face as all the emotions she’s been carrying around for weeks were finally let go... She could breathe again... And she knew her family would be together for a long time. I couldn’t be more proud of my sister for not only saving her own life...
But for becoming an inspiration for her husband, her kids, and millions of people around the world who want to improve their health yet don’t know where to start...
Geri’s total body transformation was completely amazing... And after seeing her results firsthand and how quickly the unwanted fat melted off as we changed her body and her life forever...
I knew I had to get this simple fat-burning protocol into the hands of as many people as possible... Specifically, people who have unwanted fat around their midsection...
I was being selfish, hoarding this cutting-edge information for myself when it literally saved my sister’s life...
Even one pound of belly fat can be extremely dangerous putting extreme pressure on your vital organs leading to chronic fatigue, type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease...
After all, Geri thought she was perfectly fine until her kids screamed with horror when they found her slumped over the steering wheel at soccer practice...
These symptoms can come out of nowhere to steal your life from you and your family without warning...
Which is why it’s so important to take action now before it’s too late. Your liver could be clogged with fat just like Geri’s forcing your heart to tick its final beat decades sooner than you ever imagined...
You can transform your body and flatten your belly faster than you ever imagined possible with this simple 3-minute morning routine and fat-burning green fruit to save your own life while looking and feeling decades younger...
I want you to wake up tomorrow morning already feeling lighter and skinnier as your belly begins to firm up and flatten out in less than 24 hours... And you’ll watch in amazement every morning as you look in the mirror and the miraculous results continue...
Until you’re symptom free of all the deadly diseases while showing off a tight and toned body your closest friends will instantly be jealous of... That’s why I organized all these never-before-seen flat belly secrets into a simple done-for-you system my sister nicknamed the...
Your 3 Week Transformation System to Make
Your Body a Fat Burning Machine

Because this protocol takes into account your specific genetic makeup, unlike the cookie-cutter one sized fits all programs that never deliver any real results...
We all have a unique fingerprint and when it comes to burning fat it’s the same thing.
You’ll get the exact fat-burning 3-minute morning protocol Geri and Eric used to drop OVER 119 pounds...
You’ll also get the exact fat-melting meals packed with this secret fat-burning fruit and the forgotten “naked nutrient”
to unclog your liver and arteries so your metabolism can start burning belly fat again...
This 2-step process burns belly fat faster
than anything I’ve seen before and it’s why Geri and Eric combined to lose 119 pounds so quickly when nothing ever worked for them before...
You see, the one size fits all diet programs out there are a complete sham because they don’t take into account your genetics...
Everyone is different and that’s why I added in a special component that addresses your specific “metabolic type” so you’ll
know exactly what you should and shouldn’t eat to lose weight as quickly as possible...
There’s absolutely no calorie counting at all and once you start adding in the secret “naked nutrient” with your lunch and dinner...
The BELLY FAT that’s been holding you back for years WILL BEGIN TO BURN OFF EASILY and effortlessly...

And to flatten and firm your midsection even faster, I created these simple metabolism-boosting sequences that you can do
right at home to get even faster results...
I’ve had people in their 40’s and 50’s, all the way up to their 60’s and 70’s perform these short sequences that not only tighten up and tone your body...
They’ve also been proven to naturally boost your energy
and increase your vitality so you no longer feel sluggish or tired all the time...
You can’t find this belly slimming blueprint anywhere
else and it can completely transform your life...
Just like it did for Cindy Gail from West Virgina...
Cindy's Story
I have never been a heavy person, but as I got older the pounds kept adding up no matter how little I ate and how much I exercised. It wasn't until I discovered this Incredible System that I realized I was doing it all wrong. Twelve weeks later and I feel amazing. I have more energy and going to the gym does not intimidate me anymore. Thanks Gary for getting me down to the weight I was when I was 21.
She got back down to her high school weight in just 6 short weeks at the age of 44... How incredible is that?
Just imagine next month weighing the same as you did in high school without giving up your favorite foods forever or spending every night at the gym...
And take a look at Rick O’Neal from Tampa, Florida...
Rick's Story
I'm a guy who has tried many programs out there; such as P9OX,
Insanity and T25 with some level of success...
I was blown away by the results I got with the Fat Burning Fingerprint @ program! The results were much better and much much faster. I'm simply amazed!
Rick lost 13 pounds of fat while putting on lean muscle and did all of this in 3 weeks!
He lost 13 pounds of pure fat in just 3 short weeks to flatten his belly and dramatically shrink his waistline with an amazing body he loves showing off at the beach...
While relieving the chronic back and knee pain that would always flare up from carrying around too much extra weight...
And look...
NONE of these people are any different than you...
My brother and sister struggled with their weight for decades and it nearly ruined BOTH of their marriages when the spark went out way too soon and they were left piecing together their lives looking for answers...
Until they discovered this 2-step fat-flushing protocol that ANYONE at ANY age can use to start transforming your body as soon as tonight...
You weren’t meant to stay on the sidelines and watch life pass you by... I don’t want you to be self-conscious thinking a bunch of strangers are staring at you the moment you walk in a room... Which is why I also included my revolutionary 21 Day Fat Blast Reset...

This is the secret weapon I use with my celebrity clients to get them “camera ready” in just 21 days and the results have been remarkable...
You’ll discover the #1 fat-flushing fruit you should be eating everyday to burn more belly fat...
The “naked nutrient” that unclogs the fat from your liver so your metabolism can start burning your unwanted fat for fuel... And the secret spices and healing herbs that reduce inflammation, because as I mentioned before...
If you look down and see any extra fat around your belly, it’s a clear sign that inflammation has taken over the inside of your body and could spread to your heart, lungs, and arteries until before you know it... You wake up in the emergency room just like my sister wondering where she went wrong...
This Program Was Designed Specifically For Men
and Women Over 35 With a Metabolic Glitch...
Even Better, It Is Completely Safe And Natural
As you can see there’s nothing out there like the Fat-Burning Fingerprint that takes into account your specific “metabolic type” to show you exactly how to drastically burn more belly fat every single day...
WITHOUT counting calories or starving yourself skinny...
WITHOUT prescription pills or medications that only mask your pain and never solve the real problem...
And absolutely WITHOUT living in the gym spending hours exercising that leaves you feeling exhausted for days...
Over 21,000 people have already taken the challenge and started transforming their lives with this fast and easy fat-burning solution which has only been available for a short time online...
And to be 100% honest and sincere, I want to let you in on a little secret...
After becoming an in-demand celebrity trainer over 10 years ago...
And with the health issues my family faced... My time has become extremely limited...
Which is why my personal clients pay me up to $3,000 a month to coach and consult with them...
And it’s a huge bargain when you think about it because I’ve helped add decades onto their lives while getting rid of all the prescription medications their doctors forced on them years ago that was draining their bank account with nasty side effects they couldn’t ignore...
And I charge $300 for an hour-long phone consultation because I know how quickly I can help you after working in the trenches for the past 25 years...
That $300 could save your life while being so much cheaper than the costly medical bills you get from a simple check up at the doctor these days...
The medical bills piled up FAST after Geri’s life-threatening visit to
the emergency room and I’d never want to see anyone get
buried in that kind of debt...
However, if you say yes to the Fat-Burning Fingerprint right here, right now... You’re not going to pay my normal fee of $300...
You’re not even going to pay HALF that...
Instead, when you say yes to the Fat-Burning Fingerprint system... That includes the miracle 3-minute morning routine you can use to drop up to 3 pounds in the next 48 hours...
The 21-day fat-burning system that helped Geri drop 17 pounds in just 3 weeks despite her horrible genetics and crazy sugar cravings... The fat-melting sequences you can do right at home to flatten your belly and tone your body in just minutes a day without ever going to another dirty germ filled gym ever again...
When you say yes to the world’s #1 rapid fat-burning system
You’ll pay the heavily discounted price of just $57...
Which is so much less than those overhyped fitness programs you see on late night infomercials...
Or even an hour-long session with a personal trainer who spends the entire time texting on their phone instead of helping you get the body you desire...
However, after sharing this with Geri, she knocked some sense into me...
You see, this isn’t about money to me...
like I did with my brother and sister because I can’t imagine
my life without them...
It brings tears to my eyes and pain to my heart to think of them not being around any longer... So here’s what I’ve decided to do...
If you take action right now toward improving your health and finally getting the flat belly you desire... You won’t pay the heavily discounted price of $57... Instead, I’ll give you the #1 rapid weight loss solution in the entire world for a one-time secure investment of just $37...
Here’s what you need to do to start seeing results as soon as tomorrow...
Your 3 Week Transformation System to Make
Your Body a Fat Burning Machine

Click the “Add to Cart” button above
And then you’ll be taken to a secure
order form page that looks like this...

Once you enter in your information, you’ll have instant and immediate access to the entire fat-flushing system...
The miracle 3-minute morning routine...
The #1 green fruit that burns belly fat faster than any other...
The forgotten “naked nutrient” most women and men ignore that unclogs your “liver fat” and jumpstarts your metabolism so you can shrink your waistline faster than ever...
The custom 21-day fat-blasting protocol designed to drop up to 17 pounds in 3 weeks or less just like my sister Geri who has horrible genetics and family history of heart disease...
And to make sure you have everything you need to succeed, I added in two bonus belly burning gifts for absolutely free...
So you can lose weight even faster...
The FIRST BONUS gift is a done for you template to ignite and activate the “7 Super Fat-Burning Hormones” that can easily double or even triple your results over the next few days...
Because as I mentioned before, when it comes to burning fat and losing weight as quickly as possible...
Your hormones control EVERYTHING.
The problem is, 99% of your fat-burning hormones decrease year after year so by the time you’re 40 or older, they’re almost non-existent...
The good news is...
Once you re-activate them with a simple sequence of steps ANYONE at ANY age can do, you can burn more belly fat around the clock without extreme dieting or exhaustive exercise...
The SECOND BONUS gift you’ll receive only if you take action today is the “3 Foods You Must Avoid” guide...
Which my private clients treat as their holy bible...
This is the MOST important part of this entire program because there are so many foods even doctors and nutritionists “think” are healthy...
Yet have been proven to ignite inflammation in your belly that jeopardizes your health and piles up more fat... clogging your arteries and liver...
Leading to the “mysterious metabolic glitch” we talked about earlier that makes losing weight virtually impossible...
And it’s probably why you’ve struggled so much in the past. Even all the fruits and veggies you see at your grocery store aren’t necessarily healthy because of the pesticides and chemicals applied during the growing process... Which is why it’s so important to know about these “healthy” foods you must avoid so you can finally get the results you deserve...
Everything you need to get the flat and firm belly
you desire is just a click away so take action now
because I can’t guarantee this will be available much longer...
Your 3 Week Transformation System to Make
Your Body a Fat Burning Machine
Especially at this low price. Now, I completely understand that you may still be skeptical and this all may sound too good to be true...
After all, Geri and Eric, along with Cindy, Kelly, Scott, Rick and hundreds of others lost an insane amount of weight very quickly and you may be wondering if it’ll work for you... Which is why I’ve added in a 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee...
If you decide that the Fat-Burning Fingerprint system simply isn’t for you, just send me an email and I’ll give you a full refund with no questions asked... You can try out the entire belly slimming system for the next two months and if you don’t get the results you desire, you pay absolutely nothing.

To Try The #1
Loss Solution In The World
So Simply Click the “Add to Cart”
Button Below to Get Started...
Look, the truth is...
Your 3 Week Transformation System to Make
Your Body a Fat Burning Machine

You’re at a crossroads right now and
You only have 3 options...

is you can do nothing...
Simply forget everything you learned here and go back to the same old habits and routines that left you feeling frustrated and unhappy with your weight in the first place... Who knows, maybe you’re in perfect health and don’t need any help... Maybe you feel amazing every single day and your body looks exactly the way you want...
However, if you’re like my sister Geri or my brother Eric... They “thought” everything was fine until their marriages started crumbling and their health deteriorated to the point where they could barely play with their kids in the backyard without getting tired...
Walking up the stairs at work was so much harder than it should be... And before we knew it, Geri was slumped over the steering wheel, her head banging on the horn sending out that ear-splitting signal that something was seriously wrong... I don’t want that for you, and I know if you’ve made it this far, you don’t want that either...

is you can take what you learned here today and try to apply it yourself...
You can spend months researching the fastest and easiest ways to naturally lose weight and drastically improve your health... However, if that’s the case... Then wouldn’t you have done it already? Wouldn’t you have figured this out a long time ago? The truth is, life will get in the way like it always does and you’ll lose your motivation which is why it’s so hard for you to get the body you desire...
Or you can take the easy way out and simply take
advantage of all these flat belly secrets to double
or even triple your results in the next 21 days..

"Let me do all the hard work for you"
Let me do all the hard work for you, so you can simply sit back and enjoy
the fat-burning benefits
from my years of helping frustrated women and
men look like a whole new person their own family barely recognizes...
You don’t need to figure this out on your own...
Instead you can simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and take the first step to an amazing NEW
body you’ll be excited to show off every chance you get.
Look, there’s a reason you landed on this presentation today... Call it fate or divine intervention...
However, this opportunity won’t be around forever, so take advantage of it now while you still can... I’d hate to see you a few weeks, months, or even years from now still struggling with the same problems keeping you from having the flat and firm belly you desire...
You deserve a fresh start...
Simply click the “Add to Cart” button below and I’ll be
waiting on the inside to personally help you...

Your 3 Week Transformation System to Make
Your Body a Fat Burning Machine

To your vibrant health and success...
I’m Gary Watson.
Gerold's Story
While my mind's eye suggested that I was still a healthy, athletic, fit person.. the reality was I had allowed myself to get more than a little out of shape. Nothing made this more apparent than when I looked at the photos of myself after getting back from a much needed vacation with my girlfriend. No wonder my athleticism, mental focus, and overall energy had been limiting... I was fat and really hadn't admitted it to myself before seeing the pictures... I heard about this program and decided to take action. What a Wake Up Call!
Gerold lost 36 pounds of fat while putting on lean muscles over a 3 month period.
Kelly's Story
As the mom of the house and a full time teacher, it seems as if I am always taking care of others.
So getting my husband and son on board was exciting for me.
We worked together as a team
and I even got my husband to do more coking. 17 pounds down and I look and feel great.
This Amazing Program made a huge impact on our lives!
Rick's Story
I'm a guy who has tried many programs out there; such as P9OX,
Insanity and T25 with some level of success...
I was blown away by the results I got with the Wake the Fork UP@ program! The results were much better and much much faster. I'm simply amazed!
Rick lost 13 pounds of fat while putting on lean muscle and did all of this in 3 weeks!
Cindy's Story
I have never been a heavy person, but as I got older the pounds kept adding up no matter how little I ate and how much I exercised. It wasn't until I discovered this Incredible System that I realized I was doing it all wrong. Twelve weeks later and I feel amazing. I have more energy and going to the gym does not intimidate me anymore. Thanks Gary for getting me down to the weight I was when I was 21.
Scott's Story
At the end of my work day, my body ached and I was exhausted... No energy and no extra quality time to give to my family as I was falling asleep on the couch by 8:30 almost every night. Boy have things changed for the better... I have lost 31 pounds of fat off my body. This program works!
Theresa's Story
Being a grandmother is something I had always looked forward to. Keeping up with the grand kids required some fine tuning. 26 pounds lighter, Gary got me feeling 30 again. Just incredble.
Are you still here?
That’s ok, I understand...
I shared a lot of new information with you today and you may still have some questions...
Here are the most common questions I’ve received about the Fat-Burning Fingerprint® system...

Definitely not! This program has worked wonders for women and men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, all the way up to people in their late 70’s and early 80’s. That’s because the simple 2-step system will have you eating MORE of your favorite foods, while flushing away your fat with a miracle 3-minute morning routine... That works for ANYONE at ANY age in ANY type of physical condition to burn more fat while improving your health.

Congratulations! The Fat-Burning Fingerprint is in sync with your natural fat-burning cycles and you should be very proud of yourself. On average, we see 5 pounds of weight loss in the first week, although we have seen as much as 9 pounds of fat lost.

Absolutely not. You do not need a single piece of equipment or any special diet food to get started. All you need is a positive attitude that’s focused on getting the results you desire without letting anything stand in your way.

Once you click the “Add to Cart” button below, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form page. Once you enter in your information, you’ll receive instant and immediate access to the entire Fat-Burning Fingerprint program, along with the bonus gifts. You can download all the manuals and videos straight to your computer, tablet, or phone so you can use them as often as you like. This is a one-time only investment in yourself and you will never be billed again.

These flat belly secrets have saved people’s lives, rescued marriages, and even freed people from their expensive medications and hospital visits. Which is why I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to try it out. So I took all the risk so you can test it out on me. If you go through the program and realize that it’s just not for you, send me an email and I’ll be happy to provide you with a full refund with no questions asked.

That’s awesome!
The first step is to click the “Add to Cart” button below, enter in your information in our 100% secure order form, and you’ll receive instant access to the entire Fat-Burning Fingerprint program.
Plus a Quick Start Guide that will tell you exactly how to get started toward your new slim and sexy body starting right now without any confusion...
And with our 60-day 100% money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and an exciting, youthful life to gain.

Your 3 Week Transformation System to Make
Your Body a Fat Burning Machine